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Mindfulness and Time - Annika Wildenradt
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As I mentioned in my revision plan, in order to polish up my piece I wanted to listen to it while typing up a transcript (because when I first recorded it I went off-script at some points and just talked). Then I could practice the new script and go back and re-record it once I felt comfortable with it. Check out the transcript above.  

Here are my immediate reflections after reading the prompt. 

 Here is the revision plan that I wrote up after receiving feedback from peers about my rough draft. I mapped out the things I would need to do in the days and weeks to follow in order to transform my project into a more polished, final version that I would be pleased to share with other people. 

Here is the storyboard of my podcast, that is, my first rough outline of what I would include in my draft. I found this surprisingly easy to write - it was basically a free-write interspersed with outside sources. 

Before I began working on my own project I looked online for models of podcasts for inspiration and insight about the genre conventions. Here you can access these models as well as my comments and reflections on them. 

Rough Draft - Annika Wildenradt
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Click on the recording below to listen to a rough draft of my podcast. The document on the right is the author's note that I submitted with the draft, so that my peers and instructor could get an idea of my frame of mind. 

Here is the prompt for assignment. 

This is an old piece of journal-esque writing I found, from back when I was a freshman in high scool. Though I came across it after completing this project, it is uncanny how similar my ideas are to what I talk about in my podcast. I believe that the similarities demonstrate how strongly ideas are connected over time through writing. 

Here is the final draft of my podcast. There were a few drafts in between, but they were all very similar to each other - I just edited them to make transitions smoother and the tone of my voice more consistent - so I didn't include them here. Below the recording you can view my author's note and my annotated bibliography. 

Click here to move on to other writings I have done, in the Writing Minor and for other classes. 

Here's my author's note. 

Here is my annotated bib. 

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