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Here is the prompt for the assignment. 

Here are my immediate responses to the prompt.  

The prompt asks for us to pick a piece of writing that we created in the past as our starting point. I chose a piece of personal writing that I had been working on during my sophomore year. I chose this, rather than an assignment for a class, because writing it helped me discover how powerful of a tool writing is for me when it comes to figuring stuff out about myself. Here is a sample from it. 

This was the first draft of my project. My goal was to create a website where I could share my own personal writing with others and encourage them to do the same. I used wordpress because I was vaguely familiar with it, but I found that it was not very flexible to work with. My main grievance was that with this draft I basically created a blog, rather than a place for people to talk. 

Here are some reflections of mine after I recieved feedback on my first draft from my peers and instructor. 

Here is my revision plan for my project. 

Here is a revised draft of my project. I made some major changes based on the feedback I recieved and my own reflections. For one thing, I changed my platform from Wordpress to Wix because the latter allows for much more flexibility. I then was able to create more of a website than a personal blog. 

Click here to see the final draft of my project (at least as of now). And click on the buttons below to view the author's note that I submitted with it as well as my annotated bibliography.

Here's my author's note! 

Here's my annotated bib. 

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